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When Gavin met Stacey


Its hard to believe that its been almost a year since we welcomed these two fur babies to their forever home.  

Gavin is a rescue and a characteristic  one at that.  Full of expression and wit.  If he wasn't already named I would have called him Churchill.  He loves his walks and will be happy to lay around sleeping after.  We had him a few weeks when Stacey entered.  She is exactly how a little sister should be annoying lol.  She never leaves him alone and for the most part he doesn't mind playing but he doesn't want to do it all the time.  Stacey is a mix breed, lab collie lurcher, and as the name suggests she can be quite a handful.  They are an absolute joy to have. 


St Helena Island

This beautiful gem is located in the Atlantic Ocean.   1200 miles of the coast of the South/Western Coast of Africa.  The island is more well known now to when I was a child.  Having left 14 years ago I have been told a lot has changed.  Growing up here I had a very sheltered life.  Closed of from the outside world, it was a time when doors were left unlocked at night and windows left open when you were out.  It was a time where kids were kids for longer.  The beauty of St Helena is something spectacular.  The rocky coastline turns into lush green mountains.  The almost crystal clear waters are warm for almost the whole year, well from what I remember of it. Most people associate  St Helena with Napoleon  that small little Frenchman.  on his second exile he was sent to St Helena as there was no way he was going to escape.  he died there and was buried later to be taken back to his homeland. This small treasure is where I call Where I grew up. 

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