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A change of a chickenšŸ˜‹šŸ¤šŸ”šŸ—

So i planned to do a roast chicken today....... went to shop got the chicken and all to go with, got home made lunch and proceeded to get this chicken done, Then i thought hhhmmmmm Roast chicken do we really want roast chicken again....... nope.

I thought now what can i do, so i searched my cupboard and found a jar of sweet and sour mix. My mind thinking at the speed of light now at this stage, so i came to the conclusion that i will do a roast kinda stirfry thingy. After all i did get the stir fry frozen veg in aldi this week.(massive bag only ā‚¬2, i think)

Nana used to make a load of different dinners from chicken, we raised our own but i never liked the taste of them and lets be honest a kid eating the animal that she fed šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®, thank god i dont feed any animals anymore lol.

She made the usual s, curry, stew, roast, plo from chicken wings still one of my favourite to this day. (someone send me st Helena curry powder please) One thing i don't remember her cooking was chicken soup which is weird cos i do it all the time and usually my inspiration comes from her.

I think sometimes we are afraid to try new things or mix things up for many reasons, maybe its time or you just like the normal stuff or like if i do that no one will like it it will taste like crap and go in the bin now there is a nice waste of money especially with the cost of food these days.

A lil bit of trial and error is good, what if it actually does taste good and goes down a treat...what if that happens!!!!. So today i'm not hiding behind the fear if "its gonna taste crap," i mean they like chicken and veg (sometimes) noodles yes they like those too, They will eat it or go hungry as nan said (we never went hungry lol).

I have taken a liking to stir fries atm, they are quick and easy to do and tasty.

So this thingy that im doing, lets call it chicken something for now... is a time saver not like your traditional stir fry shove it in the oven and carry on, which is what i did.

So i already had the whole chicken so i portioned it but you can buy chicken already protioned. I used a jar of sweet and sour mix (just aldi brand) and what is it i always say "There has to be a cheat somewhere" even Jamie (oliver) uses cheats lol, seriously he does and i should know i watch his shows enough even my lil bean knows who he is and so much so that when i walk in the door after work he changes the channel to what i have recorded of jamie and says "its mummys turn" lol much to his fathers dismay as there is a good chance there was a soccer match on šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (thats my boy)

Ok got distracted. So portioned chicken in an oven dish pour over the sauce and make sure chicken is well coated, cover with tin foil and bake at 180 for an hour. After that take of foil turn chicken to get it all covered again and put back in the over to get some colour about 45 minutes should do it halfways through turn chicken.

when its nice and brown a juicy take out and put to one side.

DO NOT THROW AWAY THE SAUCE!! pour into a pan along with stir fry veg and noodles ive used thread noodles cos i had them and they go straight to wok or in my case pan (note to self buy wok).

cook and serve.

Trust me its tasty and affordable and easy to do.


Sticky sweet and sour chicken with stir-fry veg and noodles

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Kerry Clingham
Kerry Clingham
Jan 22, 2020

Thanks. Actually the book Iā€™m thinking about šŸ˜Š


Liz Browne
Liz Browne
Jan 22, 2020

So good Kerry...need to see all these recipes in a book !....must share with friends!!

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