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Lunch in a hurry

Lunch can still be tasty with time limits especially when you have left over roast chicken.

For a quick easy lunch why not try an omelette? Dice up some pepper, onion some rashers (always smoked). shred the chicken

Fry together everything remove from pan and add your egg mix.

once the egg has settled add your chicken topping with a little cheese and pop under the grill to finish cooking and to brown.

quick easy and tasty


If you have more time there's always soup. I'm a huge fan of any kind of soup.

The thing I love bout soup is how diverse it can be and how little you ned to make one.

I make soup from a few slices of rasher and some veg with herbs and seasoning from a stock cube. Some would argue that its a broth rather than a soup and each to their own as long as its tasty it can be called what you want.

The last one I made is what Joshua calls "Get better soup". This soup is packed with veg and you can blend it if you want but we prefer it this way. There is something about a soup like this that makes me think about home a lot. Papa grew veg and nana made the most amazing soup out of whatever was in season. She made use of everything and there was nearly no waste.


There are things like stir fries, I recently found a video on TikTok on how to make a sauce so I now do that instead of buying those packet sauces they are packed with salt among other things. you can literally throw whatever you have into a stir fry, I get those frozen stir fry mixes and add whatever other veg I have.

There are so many meals that can be created from left overs and it is being done even more so now than it did before. Everyone is saving money or trying to by being more inventive with how they cook and use food. I don't think any of us are living in luxury anymore where we throw food away the next day or takeaways more often than food is cooked. We got a takeaway for the toy show last Friday and I think that it cost around €30 thank god we don't ever do it often like who can afford that amount of money other than as a treat and rarely at that.

Its becoming more and more expensive as we all know and anything to cut down on food waste and keep a bit of money in our pockets.

Eating well doesn't have to cost the earth. More tips and tricks coming. Have a great weekend........

Until next time

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