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Epic Fail

Well the Irish stew was a bit of an epic fail…………………….

I did not approach this one well lol like how did I get this wrong I’ve been making stews my whole life but like some Irish people this proved difficult lol (jokes😂😂😂 ) it wasn’t until it was cooked when I realised I had fucked it up like I’m actually sat here laughing because it has actually happened to me with beef stew. I obviously didn’t learn from my mistake then. 🤦‍♀️

It was sweet, like very sweet. It was the next morning when I realised what I had done. I wanted the lamb to be really tender so I left it cook for about two hours, only kerry here had already put in the veg and the carrot cooked to much which in turn left the stew tasting very sweet and looking very orange like. I also don’t think I got the flavour right at all. It was just a bit of a disaster to be fair lol

And like literally I’m only after realising that I should have an actually recipe somewhere here in my 100 cookbooks. Yes, I do. Remember the Irish Pub Cookbook that I was supposed to be cooking my way through during the not talked about anymore Pandemic? Yes, it’s in there so I will follow the recipe this time why I didn’t think to look in there I don’t know. The method they are using is having it cooked in the oven, but my question is will the carrots still make it to sweet? (feel free to answer lol)

So tell me how do you make your Irish stew? Do you still use mutton? What veg do you put in? and do you use like a beef or oxtail soup or just stock? If it’s like a trade family secret, you don’t have to tell me lol.

I might get it right this time

Until next time...

I mean does it even look like Irish Stew????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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