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The chaos that is my life ........

So it’s been awhile since I actually sat to my laptop and written anything. Reason well I have been very busy, just doing mum stuff and household stuff. Also my tiny man who has now turned 8 keeps bringing home those little germs he picks up from school and somehow I’m the one that ends up with a stinky cold.

I have also been working hard on my Instagram foodie page. You know the one St Helena Girl Cooks??? If you don’t then go and have a look!!

I have been writing down recipes as I cook meals which was my new year’s resolution, I made it to the end of January and that was the end of that. Anything that I cook more than once always has different ingredients it’s just the way I cook.

I made these new kind of meatballs and used a bunch of spices but I also added mint puree and served with mash of course and some mushrooms and onion gravy, thinking everyone would eat that right?? WRONG!!! it turns out Joshua prefers it with spaghetti, go figures. Today he will be pleased it’s just spaghetti bol. I’m being a bit lazy why because I have on top of everything else I fierce pain in my eye. It is more than likely because I again slept in my contacts……………. Yea yea I know very bad

Lets see what else has happened ???? Not that anyone actually sees these blogs but hi ho i'm going to write them anyways.

I have a number of projects to do around the house and I haven’t made a start on any of them. One is to wallpaper my backsplash; I have never wallpapered before so I’m a bit like should I just get the brother in-law to do it for me. It’s a nice paper that I picked up in the Range from €12. Like a white brick. I’m planning on getting that started on Sunday, well I was until Joshua said he wanted to go swimming which I’m sure will be great for my hip…NOT!!

I have now come to the mind-set that no kerry you can’t do everything in one day your body will not allow it. So spread out tasks and jobs. I am laughing as I’m typing this as it more often than not does not turn out like that. Me on a daily basis always try and get all the jobs done and I mean just the basic normal day to day house work and making dinner before school pick up. Why you might ask???? Because by that stage in the day and after the trauma of homework, I’m about done for the day.

FOOD SHOPPING!! A few months ago I did a food shop in Aldi and it came to almost €200, and yes this did include wine but in the defence of the wine their prices didn’t go up. It was the cost of actual food and more so the meat. Myself and himself was in shock we didn’t speak until we were almost home so I decided that I would do online shopping with Tesco. Main reason so I wouldn’t pick up crap we didn’t need. After a few weeks their prices seemed to have gone through the roof and a lot of things seemed to be out of stock. So I thought right I’m going to try Dunnes. The last few weeks it has worked out a bit cheaper. I do think that the price of meat at the moment is just stupid. I thought about becoming a veggie person but let’s be honest you all know that I would eat a half a cow in steak form so that wasn’t going to happen.

I did do a week of mince beef dinners though and by far the cheapest food shop that was. I was surprised at how many things can actually be made from mince beef lol who knew.

Finally got my letter from the hospital for a hip injection, this is the second one the first one didn’t work so I don’t even know why I’m going through that again. We will see and keep some faith.

Speaking of faith that time has come for Joshua to have his first Holy communion. He has made his first confession to which he told us he couldn’t remember what he confessed I said that's fine confessions are meant to be private anyway. To say that he has really grown up would be an understatement. It’s like I have a teenager on my hands at the age of 8. And man he has developed a talent for complaining. Kid things which I have to then explain that yes kids sometimes do that.

And well finally in the whole chaos that is my life at the moment we rescued another dog well because walking two of them wasn’t enough and my hip loves me for it!!!!

She has been with us now for two weeks and has settled in well. She is a lab retriever

She does have a story as to why she ended up here with us but I don’t think the previous owner would want the world to know that, again I’m laughing because I don’t actually think anyone reads these.

That’s all for now I must cook dinner!!!!

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