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As busy as busy goes......😂😋🙄

Oh gosh well you know you have them days where nothing quite seems to go right???? Well I have had about two weeks of days like that!!!! Sucks yes I know don’t want pity lol. But we carry on and try to make the best out of a shitty situations so what did I do I cooked, and took advantage of my days of with my lil bean, who now had a cold (no not the corona virus) just a common cold. So hes wrapped up warm watching cartoons.

Everyday there always seemed to be something to worry about and yes that’s what we do we worry, Being parents is hard work and sometimes we over think and over worry.

So like I said I cooked, cooking for me is my form of stress relief and i've done a lot of nanas cooking too. So there I was in the kitchen cooking my worries away. Cooking saint food always de stresses me its not stress no frills cooking and not to mention the smells and the taste takes me back to nanas kitchen.

So lets see what have i been up too........

It would appear that i have been up to alot according to these pictures lol.😂😂🤣

So one of my fav's is of course plo, made with rice and veg and St Helena curry powder and of course your choice of meat which could be anything from what ive used, spare pork ribs and chicken wings to bacon or fish, its a one pot dish so less of the washing up. Nana made this in the biggest pot she had cos we always went back for seconds. It can also be made without the curry powder. I had a few non St Helena friends taste this and all good feedback and as Katie said you would have a food baby after😁😁😂 this it is very filling. This was really a treat for me as i had been sent some St Helena curry powder and my god did it taste like island food.

Then there was spare rib curry another island dish often cooked on a sunday to accompany the roast of the day.

A mid week dinner Cornbeef stew, i remember eating this often and i haven't come across alot of people here that still uses tinned cornbeef in a stew or a curry in fact i know just one man that still uses it to make a dinner. I guess like the Irish tradition of cue beens (pigs Totters) it has gone out of fashion. Its something that my lil bean will grow up with. He had a taste and he loved it, unlike his dad who ran a mile 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️😂😂😂 and funny enough he loves it on a sandwich lol.

Then i found some pork belly inspiration on my Instagram page and one of the chefs that i follow. So this is maybe about as fancy as it gets for me atm. Pork belly caramelised in pineapple juice fresh mango and apples. If you are not a fan of fatty meat i suggest staying away lol. I did this stirfry style to get the pork to crisp up before adding the juice that it had been marinating in. Slowly it started to all come together and tasted pretty good.

Then Pancake day, and let me tell you bean had fun with this, no i didn't make the pancake cos honesty every time i tried they would either be burnt or not cooked. Don't put me anywhere near pastry or anything in the baking/pastry family lol. bean proceeded to build his pancake, nuttella sauce yes then sugar then honey then jam and lemon juice (yukky and creative).

Another first for me was from an idea given to me by my friend Corey, and bean has decided to call them mini egg boats. Aka Old el paso stand and stuff mini tortillas. These are handy for lunch dinner or packed lunches. Literally egg, peppers and onion. Mini quiche cheats (lol without the baking part) He actually did a lil dance when he tasted them. 🕺🕺

Then there was stew which is what we are having today at the request of the small man of the house. I bake my stew so im pretty sure its called a casserole now but lol lets just stick to stew.

Up next was meatball and i cant take much credit for this as it was made by my lil chef, he really enjoyed getting messy in the kitchen with me that day. He wanted meatballs so he made his own. And as usual they were so tasty and rusticity made nothing fancy but prob the biggest meatballs in the county lol.

Lastly what my bean calls "The big dinner" roast chicken with all the trimmings, now he likes his Yorkshire pudding so no matter what im roasting he always asks moma do the gravy cups to lol, yes he puts his gravy in them then proceeds to drink it before eating them. He shows so much interest in food i hope when im old and cant do it anymore he will cook for me lol, i am teaching him for a reason after all.

And somewhere in the middle of all that cooking came "mummy and bean time" Colouring, bike riding and of course cuddles. Now that i have it down in writing doesn't sound like a bad couple weeks at all.

Recipes for these will be coming soon.......

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