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As the green turns to gold

So the weather has turned and the trees are starting to loose their green turning quickly into beautiful shades of gold and brown. The chimneys have been cleaned out for the start of another winter. The heating has been turned on. We struggle to pull ourselves out of bed on the dark mornings, lacking that motivation we had on those beautiful summer mornings. Kids up and ready for school we buddle them up in their winter gear and of out the gap.

Trampolines are coming down and the garden furniture that we bought during lockdown when the year started of with what seemed like the summer has now been stacked and packed away. Waiting for a good day to come so you can do the final cut on the lawn before all those cold wet days really kick in. Getting the old oil tank filed and finding money in the pocket of the winter jacket you packed away.

This year has moved forward faster than normal and in some ways time stood still.

Many parents said to me "it seemed like a very slow year and then BAM schools are back and we found ourselves rushing to get what our little humans needed. Its been a strange year for sure, we found ourselves doing different things we got new hobbies and it seemed everyone started walking or running. Gym equipment sold out and so did alcohol, lets not talk about the toilet rolls. We have somewhat settled into this new way of life. Masks and social distancing, hand sanitisers and Dettol wipes are at the forefront of many shops. A different world where we second guess a head cold and keep our babies out of school to protect them and those that they share those few hours away from home with. With the virus laying at our doorsteps its tough to think about other things. Some of us have become more aware of our surroundings and the people in them and some couldn't give a shit, I mean lets call a spade a spade some people just don't care. I used to think "oh maybe they just forgot" or "maybe they are just getting use to this way of life" but no!!! some people just don't care. Some people wont wear a mask but they have their reasons I guess one reason I heard just the other day was "I'm not wearing one because I'm just pissed of at what's happening" .And we are entitled to our own opinions and reasons. This is mine "So you want the virus to go away So you can be with your families with your friends, you want to be able to travel again but still you wont listen to what the government has been saying, well you cant have it both ways. We all want to go away, we all want to see our friends, we all want that holiday abroad like years before, We all one day want to be able to leave the house go to the shop without a face covering! and just as I'm giving my opinion here's another thing when you are paying for something do not take of the mask, lick your finger then proceed to use that finger to get the money out and then hand it over I mean the virus is one thing but being disgusting is quite another!!! So where was I ? Oh yes Do what you want and the virus will be here longer? or you could just listen and maybe we have some fighting chance of beating it. but that's just my opinion.

Heading into winter is going to be tough, not just for the elderly or for children or for those who live alone, for those who are struggling mentally, for those who have major or minor underlining illnesses, it will be tough for everyone I had to tell my bean today that he couldn't go and visit his grandparents and I'm sure I'm not the only parent that has had to do that, I could have just gone "you know what everyone else is doing it I will be like a sheep and do the same", but I didn't why? I want to protect them!! I know nothing about politics but this I do know they are there for a reason I mean who put them there? Yes the public not all of you off course but most of you, just like most of the country are following the rules and guidelines and then some of you are not. There is still a long road there and if we follow it right it might turn out that its not as long as we thought.

Christmas will be different this year? Will it? It will if we let it. I want to be able to have beans Grandparents here on Christmas day. I want to be able to take him to his cousins houses to say Merry Christmas like each year before and maybe just maybe if we listen it might not be that different Christmas we all think its going to be. I know on some levels a lot of us have at some stage lost hope, as numbers rise and restrictions get tighter, I know that the opinion now of many is just to shut the country down again, take our children back out of schools and this might yet happen. But lets not give up hope just yet!! Everyone across every country around the world is fighting this, they are fighting the unknown, just like those who are running those countries ,this country, this is a pandemic, it is unknown, everyday they are learning and working out ways to try and beat it. They need the support of everyone. None of us want to live with this laying in wait. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

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