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At Home With Kerry

At Home With Kerry, yes it does exactly what it says on the tin, or in this case in the title. Me, Kerry have been busy building or trying to build a brand. Its hard got to be honest.

I enrolled myself into a Start Your Own Business course, with the Kerry Enterprise, along with this course they have many more and they are all free.

After restyling furniture for years from the comfort of my own home I thought its now time to take it on the road. (not literally). I'm in my 4th week into the course and now remembered why I hated school!!!! But it will all be worth it to be my own boss.

The world we have been forced to live in is uncertain, Before this virus hit us here in Ireland and before the lockdown itself I somewhat was just living, just floating through life not really living life. I took for granted the freedom we had that was so quickly taken away. Not being aloud out the front door but for work. Having my bean home with me all the time was for me the silver lining we all as parents got to spend more time with our kids. For me I got something that I might never be given again and that was time. Time for me to see what I missed being away working, I missed his first tooth falling out, and then the second. I missed watching him play, doing homework, I missed just simply having a family meal. There are many of us who miss all these things, and for me I started thinking, Is it worth it????Finding someone to mind him while I was at work. Having to stress like we all did over childcare with the restrictions in place it was ten times harder than it was before and it was hard enough then.

So I told myself it was time, time to jump in the deep end and go for it, I mean sure why not I have all the tools I need to open my own workshop. I would be offering a business that is different to all the others and here is why

I am a furniture Restylist and blogger of all things life.

What makes my business different is me. I take the passion of doing what I love I combine a unique service with my love of life itself. I bring to you a piece that will be unique and i will do it with passion, dedication and the love that I bring to my life. Anyone can paint a piece of furniture, me I do it with style and flare, something that cant be found anywhere else.

From my hands to your home is perfection in every brush stroke in every stencilled detail in every moulding that i bring to life.

This is why my business is different because my business is ME

This was my sales pitch after I worked on it a bit. It sounds exactly like me. The business that I will provide will be one that is very much about what you as a client want. What unique pieces you want in your home. You want something that no one else has and I can do that, I can give you a piece that is YOU! not something that is mass produced.

I got this bug as I've said before a few years ago, only worry I have now is how am I going to juggle a business and family, well I'm doing this for my family so I will manage. Like all of us there comes a time in life for change, for me this time is very fast approaching. Some of us were left with no job after Covid-19 put us into lockdown, even now there are still jobs being lost and businesses that will close, have closed that will never open again. I was lucky (if you wanna put it that way) to be working in the food retail industry, we were deemed a necessary business. Speaking to people over this last 6 months some who have lost their jobs have gone on to realise that "hey this was a blessing in disguise I have actually got to spend time with my family, my children" The realisation that "wow" there is actually more to life than working "Work to live or Live to work" and some of us have chosen to live. To find other ways to work. Some have started businesses online which is something they have wanted to do but "oh no I've work" and it took a back seat all this time. I have come across a few of these and in my opinion and only in my opinion I think they will succeed. Why? How many of us have started shopping online? Some of us never did that before but not being given a choice we rolled with the punches and started clicking. How many of us saw the line to toy stores and thought Hell No!!! I can do this from the comfort of my own home without the added stress of ques and social distancing getting all hot and bothered under the mask or face covering, glasses getting steamed up while you rush through the aisles in the way that you are being directed by those arrows on the floor all the while trying not to trip or fall in to the person in front of you that just stops dead in the middle of the aisle doing the same thing you are, looking for what Santa is going to bring.

With another lockdown looming (this is just what I've heard no hard evidence) what will you do ? WORK TO LIVE OR LIVE TO WORK.?!!!

For me every cloud has a silver lining it might be hard to see and take a while to find. But its there no matter how long it takes.

So I'm choosing to Work to Live.......... For me Covid-19 has pushed me to see that I can work for myself and be appreciated. It has for me and it has for a lot of other people out there. Life is short do what makes you smile, what makes you feel good at the end of the day, what makes you happy to be alive, do what brings you home to your family smiling.

Stay Tuned and Be safe .....

Here is my reason TO WORK TO LIVE

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