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Birthday parties and my hungry lil bean

So my lil bean turned 5!!! really hes FIVE, now how did that happen. Watching him grow has been the single most wonderful thing i have ever witnessed. He has entered the stage of his life where he knows exactly what he wants and when he wants it. "I would like my party at the playdium", (big massive play area for kids) ok so thats where he wants his party and "mummy i would like chocolate cake", (to which he ate 3 pieces) .

So yesterday morning (which was actually Sunday im a bit late with this one) i said "i might do taccos tonight for dinner" a nice quick dinner after we get home from the party, "umm mummy i dont want those" ok you dont have to have them, you will be full from the party anyways. .................... And yes you guessed it just as i was about to add chillies he calls from the front room and says "mummy are my taccos ready yet" 😂😂😂.....

So the day began with excitement, "im not eating anymore breakfast cos i have to eat at my party" he says with attitude and hand gestures 😂😂. Child cracks me up.

On getting to the palydium he played his usual shy self when his friends arrived but that didnt last long, 10 minutes and he was tearing around the place with all his friends.

he really had a great day.

So taccos, this was the first time i had done these. I thought something new it involves mince (they like mince) and hardly any cooking time. I dont remember actually being able to buy mince at home when i was growing up, i do however remember mincing the beef with the contraption that can only be described as something out of the cave times. An iron like thing where the mince went in the top we had to wind the handle to push the beef through. The dam thing kept coming unstuck from where it was on the edge of the counter top. Thank god it can be bought already done today.

So these took me a half hour to make and every ten minutes "mummy are my tacos ready?"

Brown mince in pan and add Peppers i used one yellow and one red but the choice is yours. Add in one diced red onion. Mix.

Toppings were tomatoes cucumber cheese and salsa

So if you want to try something quick and different with mince give it a go. Certainly a great way to get them to eat veggies and salad. He had three 😲😲 Birthday Parties certainly do make you hungry and remember this is after three piece of cake lol

NOTE they werent actually tacos but stand and stuff soft tortillas to which when i served them to him he goes "what are these?" to which my reply these are your boat tacos 😁😁 The ones you have been asking for for the last half hour lol

My hungry lil bean

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2 ความคิดเห็น

Kerry Clingham
Kerry Clingham
28 ม.ค. 2563

Thank u Liz. I’m lucky bean eats most things.


Liz Browne
Liz Browne
28 ม.ค. 2563

Another great one!....a lovely way to make the smallies in the house try something different!

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