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Breakfast for dinner.... sure why not!!

So how many of us everyday think "what am i going to do for dinner", i hear this alot and say it alot too. I wonder of nan said it 🤔 dont remember her ever saying it i do remember her every morning taking something out of the freezer then spending a half hour looking for the cloth that she had in her hand where was it every-time yep in the freezer lol.

So this is just a quick one, spice up your breakfast (who has time for that in the morning?) not you ? I barely have tome to make porridge 🙄 So spicey up your dinner, its quick and easy and well you can have it with mash and gravy........... Lets not forget that spud!!!

So the idea came to me yesterday when i was there what am i gonna cook for dinner tomo.?? Beef.... no Pork.....nah Bacon .....somehow didnt wanna spend the rest of the night drinking water so nope to that too.

Sausages...... hmmmm jamie oliver springs to mind. So i will try and do something like he did.

Season with paprika and Cajun spice, salt and pepper. Seasoning can be whatever you want it to be, you could even cook them in gravy options are pretty much endless. lol them apart, You are going to arrange them into a circle like so ↙↙↙↙↙↙↙↙ Use toothpicks (is it toothpicks or toothpricks lol i haven't a clue but you know what i mean, oh its toothpicks auto spellcheck) to keep them together

Season with paprika and Cajun spice, salt and pepper. Seasoning can be whatever you want it to be, you could even cook them in gravy options are pretty much endless. lol

I sliced two large red onions and put them into a baking tray with thyme and garlic, spread evenly across the dish.

Lightly fry the sausages in a little olive oil or what ever oil you have, until they are sealed (lol fancy word by me ) so browned is what i mean lol. Place sausages into oven dish sprinkle with a lil more oil, cover with tin foil and bake for a half hour. Remove tin foil and let the sausages brown a bit more. remove and enjoy

Spicey up your day

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