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So it has been a long time since ive written anything!! why? well let me tell you...

My life as my last blog mentioned has been filled with the other love of my life..

Painting Furniture, as well as working on my Instagram page which is harder than it sounds as im not that good with techy stuff.

Cooking of course ive been doing that, life has been full of changes in an already changed and changing world. Working through Covid as many of us have, hasn't been the easiest and might have left some of us stressed and anxious yes i am one of them, so my home turned into a sanctuary a place of calm and peace where i could come in and close the door on the outside world. And yes i banned the news channels!!! reason ??? "mummy you are going to have to tell me whats happening in life as i dont know anymore" That is why. a 5 year old doesn't need to know the details.... and moving on...

My first painting project was for my good friend mary, This piece was pine and some years old. Funny story was mary choose the colour and i started painting and put up a post about it and the colour choice well you can guess right? yep i had painted it in the wrong colour, thank god mary saw the post and message me. no big deal i just painted over it with the right colour, did i freak out yes i did lol himself was like why panic ? he clearly didn't understand lol. Long story short the piece turned out fantastic i added mouldings for some pop of detail.

The top was glass and stunning so i left well alone there

Next up was a coffee table that i had no use for our front room just isn't big enough for a centre coffee table and a 5 year old boy!!!!! many of ye will relate that when a child comes into the house centre furniture is moved to the sides of the room or out of it altogether. so i decided to paint it and sell it. I took this table down to its bones got rid of all those marks and varnish to revel its beautiful grain. I found myself not wanting to paint over it so i had some fun and played with some stencilling, a great way to add details to a piece.

Next up finish my own furniture, firstly were the two chairs that i bought a few years ago ..... finally getting around to painting them. I use only the best paints and these paints are from Its the range for Irish paint giants Fleetwood Paints. Why i use them well the coverage is fantastic and it goes on like butter. The finish if painted right (sanding lightly between coats) is like glass very smooth. So for my chairs i used Barnyard grey and Latte. it took a few days but finally i finished them. no problems at all with these. I added moulding also from and stencils to the seat. i dry brushed the mouldings to bring out all that beautiful detailing.

I moved quickly on to my desk table, where i sit and write as i am doing now. I have had this table like the rest of my furniture for a few years. It was given to me by a friend. It had been painted twice already by myself. I did have it up for sale at one point but it never sold and in the end i decided to keep it for myself.

I choose Avocado and Latte for this one. This table has so much detailing already there was no need to add anything. I did a two toned and again this paint wow the Avocado has brilliant coverage and only needed two coats after priming did i mention how important that is? well it is as well as cleaning and a rough scratch sand this will save on your paint and it will give your paint something to adhere too.

And then i found myself with nothing left to paint somebody send me furniture please.

Through all of this all of whats happening we got a little bit of normal back. Our little humans returned to school. They were delighted we as parents were sick to our stomachs with worry a mixed feeling of happiness for them cos lets be honest they needed to go back.

Well my lil bean got up at 7 moved like a rocket to the bathroom his eyes weren't even properly opened lol. down the stairs "mummy is my breakfast ready?" sausages and blackpuddy? "yes please" Dressed and ready to go, photo first of course.

Quarter past 8 "mummy can we go now".

Well he went of in the gate at school like the boss. He couldn't stop telling us about his day. He was sat with all his best friends and was delighted out of his tree.

Hes also very proud of himself for being "green" and walking to school every morning.

So as we move forward in what has become the new world, where masks are the new accessories and social distancing has become natural we might be asking ourselves what next? well for me i pray and hope our babies no matter how old get to stay in school, yes there will be hiccups and changes along the way but lets be honest we have lived through all of this so far we will adapt to change why? because we have too. We will do it for our children, for our parents, for our families and for our friends.

So from me its stay safe and lets look out for each other.

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