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Its been over two years!!!!

I cannot believe it has been over two years since I have written anything here.

Well I can’t say that I haven’t been busy, a few things have happened.

After the passing of wally almost a year ago now we have brought into our family Gavin and Stacey.

Gavin who is a jug dog and our little rescue, he is full of character. Stacey we got as a pup and is a mixture of lab collie lurcher cross we are to believe. She is a handful but so smart and like the princess she is, very beautiful

I am also now a stay at home mum and while I always wanted to be I never expected that I would be able to. Due to medical reasons I resigned from my job before Christmas.

I am delighted to have been given this chance to be at home. I spend my days cooking, cleaning, entertaining, walking dogs and I have painted a few pieces of furniture. I will say that trying to do everything I did before in a body that says uummm no slowdown that can wait for another day is a pain and I mean literally. It’s not all bad it’s something that can be treated and lived with. The silver lining for me is that I get to be at home with my family.

Christmas was a joy, I didn’t have to rush to get anything done and it was the first Christmas I got to be at home. It was very much enjoyed.

The day to day routine has changed somewhat but now I have control over it. No more going to work feeling guilty after having to drop of a sad little boy while I work. It really is true that you have to work to live and not live to work. You are completely replaceable by an employee but family and family time can never be replaced.

I got to visit Dublin Zoo last week, it was such a fun family day. Joshua had no idea what to do with himself he was so excited. He did not appreciate the length of time on the train though. I had never been to Dublin and it was lovely to get out and about.

I’ve taken to growing some of my own herbs and veg. Going well so far.

I thought that I would have more time but it would seem that every minute of the day is taken over by something.

Finishing a piece of furniture this week and that sadly will be the last. It takes me way to long to do a piece these days, having to stop to rest and start again. Not really very business like and so so time consuming.

So way back when I started this blog it going to be all about Food and life here At Home With Kerry.

So for tonight's dinner is Speg Bol and if you remember Its a house favourite. I also get to do the food shopping myself why? because I'm not working.

I don't actually remember why i hated food shopping so much lol. I enjoy it now and planning what I'm going to cook for the week.

So stayed tuned for a bit of fun reading and dinner or lunch ideas. I cant give you breakfast ideas as I don't eat breakfast 😂😂😂

Until next time......................

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