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Its the season ..... and i don't mean Christmas

Yes so its the season of .........colds and flu's!!! 😷 . I found myself taken down this week. scratchy throat, blocked nose, chesty cough...... what can you do?. Me, i made soup, Chicken soup....That will help. (it didn't really but tasted good)

Growing up, soup (of all different varieties) was a big hit in our house, Nana always made a massive pot full. One was Pigs feet soup...... yea i can hear all the eeeewwww's and yuk's lol. not everyone's cuppa soup right 😁. I remember Mandy not eating it. I loved it the flavour was unreal and the texture of the soup was always thick, due to the split peas nana used that she had to soak over night.

Another one was more of a broth and because Fresh tuna was always available we used that. Simple yet Delicious!! 1 stock cube, water (off course lol), spud and tuna. She would put the parsley in right at the end. It was one of my most favourite dishes she made. I remember the last time i saw her, she asked what i wanted for lunch, the answer was obvious "tuna soup". I remember sat there watching her cook it at her ease, she did about 100 things whilst she was making it, i sat there smiling as the smells from my childhood came back with all the memories it held. There would be 101 things going on in the kitchen at once, wood burning stove heating the room. Scones in the oven, nana leaning over the sink peeling spuds. I could tell you so many stories connected with food, the joy it bought me watching her cook and the many times she lost the dish cloth only to be found in the freezer 🤣 every time.!!!! I only wish that i had written down how she cooked and how she made everything taste so good. She didn't have any fancy spices so god only knows how she did it.

Right so i made chicken soup.




Chicken pieces

Chicken stock.

1 packet of vegetable cuppa soup (optional)

Baby spuds (i used these cos they cook quicker)

Soup mix which is a mixture of spilt peas, lentils, marrow fat peas, and pearl barley I used this as a thickening agent.

Firstly i sweated of the carrots onion and celery in a little oil for a few minutes. i then added the chicken, i let it fry away for a few minutes. I added the spuds and chicken stock.

I added a small handful of the soup mix, measurement would depend entirely on how much soup you are making and how thick you want it.

add seasoning i added a packet of veg cuppa soup, just for extra flavour, you could also use a chicken flavoured one.

I let it come to the boil and turned down to cook away. Time about two hours....

I made this on Tuesday this week and i still have a cold!!!!! So it doesn't really work lol but it did make me feel good at the time.

I like my soup chunky, himself prefers it blended, Delicious both ways. Parsley added for fanciness lol,

So if you fancy a home made cuppa soup give it a go.

Soup Two Ways

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Kerry Clingham
Kerry Clingham
Oct 14, 2019

Thank u Liz. ❤️.


Liz Browne
Liz Browne
Oct 13, 2019

Well done ! your blog!💕

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