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Let me introduce you to another love in my life....

Updated: Sep 29, 2020

So how are you all?

So you know i cook and you know i like to talk about it. Cooking is a great love of mine, but let me tell you about a love that i had to put on hold to just be a mum for a while, it got to time consuming and my lil bean needed my attention alot more as he got older.

What started of as a hobby when bean was a baby almost turned into a business, almost and i say almost because it almost did. Right business wrong timing. I was fully booked out for months at one stage and making a profit, Sadly i had to stop but i knew at some stage i would return, you never loose this talent if you have it you have it.

So the other love or forgotten love in my life is my love for upcycling. (aka painting furniture) A lot of you will remember me doing this if you followed my Creative Upcycle Facebook page which i stupidly got rid of and now its gone gone gone forever more, it has taken me literally hours to find the pictures that I took and sadly I couldn't find all of them.

Painting furniture for me is like cooking its therapy of the cheapest kind. lol and yes i have been known to have a cooking spoon in one hand and a paint brush in the other.

How did I start painting well, if I remember it correctly I was looking through Pinterest and thought oh yes I can do this myself no need to buy at full price cos like the cost of furniture is unreal, It was easy to manage it back then bean was only a baby and I had taken some extra time of work, what started as something small quickly turned into something that I saw myself doing for a living.

When I started to have repeat custom and word got around i got really busy. My kitchen turned into a workshop and the centre piece on the table was a jar filled with paint brushes and place mats were sandpaper and stencils and napkins and god know what.

Having a piece of furniture naked bare pulled back to its bones and the excitement to start and finish it through to that vision you and your client have. I always sent progress pictures throughout just to keep the client as excited as I was doing it and seeing the changes that were being made.

Seeing returning clients who I now call good friends for one I did 7 pieces and the other 4 i think. Having returning custom for me was the icing on the cake it gave such a good feeling of accomplishment.

Having a good honest relationship with my supplies for paint and brushes and everything else that goes with it, they were even my teachers. I learnt so much from the supplier of the paints I used. Mrs Aileen Hogan who now has her very own paint range with paint giants Fleetwood Paints. She taught me and so many others so many things about upcycling. is her web page its also her Facebook page which also has so so many tutorials and lives with Mrs Aileen herself. Go on have a little look ......

I think my proudest moment was Fleetwood Paints using a picture of a wine cabinet I had upcycled for my friend Mary on Instagram i was so pleased delighted out of my tree. The paints i used and will be using are from the created by Aileen for Fleetwood paints. These paints make painting a breeze and come in a large range of colours. For me any piece can be painted and finished with decoupage or stencilled or adding gold touches, the list goes on...

So now I'm in a position to return to my lost love and get creative again. And what brought this on you might say well i painted my kitchen during lock down and lets just say all those fantastic feelings of achievement excitement and creativity came back.

So stay tuned, it going to be a bit different .....😃😃🤪🤪🤪

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