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Lets beef up ...........

So on wet rainy cold days (and lets be honest we get a lot of them this is Ireland), i fancy myself nothing more than a nice bowl of steaming hot beef stew. Slow cooked so the beef melts away in your mouth. All that dark rich gravy..............yum. When its cold and wet this is one of my go to meals, and if you cook enough to have left overs, it will warm your tummy the next day for lunch.......

It can also be done in the slow cooker but i find that if i don't brown beef first it tends to be a bit weird tasting to me after the slow cooker is finished with it..(maybe its just me) so i always brown first...

Start with a screaming hot pan🍳 and a lil olive oil, or normal any kind of oil you have

Diced beef

3-4 medium carrots

1 onion

2 gloves of garlic

Beef stock ( i used x 2 #knorrbeefstock ) mixed with one pint of water, (be aware of adding salt while cooking)

Mixed herb paste (#aldieverydayamazing )

First brown beef, give it ten minutes stir so not to burn,

Add in diced onion and garlic, have the stock ready to go garlic burns quickly and it tastes horrible.

I added in chopped carrots (i only ended up with 3 cos my lil bean ran of with one he has to get his vit C in lol )🥕.

Bring to the boil and then reduce your heat to very low, I have an electric cooker so i went for mark 2.

I let it simmer away until stock was reduced by half and beef was tender.

I served mine with boiled spuds, Himself will probably make mash🙄🙄 nothing against mash but common he has it every night!! Boring lol .

Now that's my tummy full and warm, time to lit a fire and watch something.........

Don't forget to comment with your fav wintry dish

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