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Penne anyone?

Whats for lunch? now we all know this is just the same as Whats for dinner?

Whether it be packed lunches or cooked lunches or buy in the shop lunch.

We all need to eat, some of us take sandwiches to work or pop to our local pub for a hot lunch or to the cafe or to our fav deli. So how much money is that in a day €10 yea lets say €10. I know this cos i sometimes do it when i havent time to prepare a lunch or simply to lazy to do it.

Not today, today is pasta day. Good old tuna pasta bake.

I dont remember nana making this, first time i had this was from the school canteen. Oh good old school, now those were the days, no worries about life stuff just the worry of what to wear on the weekend out lol.

School for me was great now i wasn't the smartest tool in the box, but athletics and sports now that was my thing. I loved nothing better than running the track and jumping for the hoops or over the bar for high jump. It was my safe place the place where i was me. I remember my House leader miss essex (penny) giving me a half a mars bar before i ran the 200m sprint "you can have the other half when you win" lol i got the other half. I lived for athletics days. Couldnt wait for PE classes. it was where i excelled. i was approached for the commonwealth games when i was 15 mayb 16 started training, i used to run the flag staff hill. (for those of you who dont know, BIG hill lol)

Sadly it was around that same time that i was stupid and thought that my social life was more important. some dumb ass huh. There was so much sporting and athletic talent, the drive we all had to compete against each other the atmosphere the morning of athletics days and basketball tournaments. I remember one day when there was highjump on and I won and was late back to class and thought for sure i would be told of but i got one big cheer as i walked in the door. I had added points to my team that feeling was great. So many of us could have gone so far with the talent that was there. We eventually all went in a different direction.

After leaving school, i left the island, yea 18 and out into the big world as they use to say... I think i did pretty good lol.

Anyways back to that pasta. So i used about 200g of white penne pasta the choice of pasta is up to you.

1 yellow pepper and 1 red. 1 red onion. 1 packet of cheese sauce yes that is my cheat, i could have done the sauce myself but this is meant to be a quick lunch.

I softened the peppers and onions first then mixed them with the cooked pasta, along with the two tins of tuna, i used tuna in brine.

Mix well, pour into a dish and pour over the cheese sauce, making sure its mixed in well. Add cheese to the top. I put on slices of tomatoes and jalapenos but this is up to you.

pop into the oven to go all nice and crispy brown. And enjoy

Prince Andrew School. Where all the fun happened

Flag staff The big hill

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