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SO... Its been a while..

Its been a while, How is everyone doing? Alot has happened over the last few months to say the least. The world was turn upside down and we still wonder what the new normal will be..... With the country slowly reopening we have reservations along with excitement. Some of us are may be feeling anxious and a lil weary of what will become the new normal. There are alot of questions around what has happened to the world. Questions to which there are no answers yet.

It seems like a very long time ago where you could shake hands, hug friends and relations, meet for a coffee or a drink, chit chat with people and not have the struggle of trying to hear them across two metres, Socially everything has changed. Doing the weekly shop turned into hours of queuing, we were made to change our habits to protect each other and we rose to that challenge, we stood together as a country in hopes that we would see the end of this nightmare. Is the end almost here? will there be an end? Questions will still be asked and things will still be unclear, As families mourned the country mourned with them, candles were lit across the world and prayers were said maybe by those who had never said one before. The sadness that has come from this pandemic will remain with us and those who are no longer with us will forever be in our hearts and memories. 🙏🙏🙏

Out of all of this we have found new things.... How many of us have painted our houses, spent more time with our children and partners? Ordered a skip to do that clean out you have wanted to do for months, or used video calling of some sort for the first time, or sat down on a Friday night to watch the late late cos you finally had some time left at the end of the day to relax because you had everything done for that day. How may of us cooked or baked endlessly, sit around the table at the end of the day with your family for dinner, or enjoyed those lie ins ??? There is also happiness and joy that has come out of this. Look up at the sky and down at the oceans and see how clear they are.

There was plenty fear to be felt as the country went into lock down, so many new regulations for work and i know alot of people who as of this week will rejoin a new world a new normal as they return to work, some have enjoyed the time of with their families time that they never go before, so much that they dont want to go back to work. The uncertainty is definitely there. Its been so many weeks i cant even remember second week in march i think, remember the pubs closed just before paddy day!!! The horror. On the day himself re arranged beans room and i did a clean on the living room and we both stood and watch the cars tooting and flying flays out the window in a car parade. Bringing tears to the eyes as we watched how people still came together "apart" to celebrate

Me i kept myself busy painting my kitchen including the presses and yes i was one of those who got a skip and cleared out, i now have a home gym after clearing out a room, something which i was meaning to do for 3 years. Ive been cooking as normal and so has my lil bean. Who is now 4 stone and half the height of me. Hes grown out of most of his clothes too. Tells me he doesn't miss school but he misses his friends.

A few weeks ago a lil boy came into the shop and said he cant wait to see his friends. We sometimes forget that our lil humans are going through this too and its different in their minds. My lil bean well lets just say he goes through phases of Boredom and excitement, and uses the words SOCIAL DISTANCING and WE CANT GO THERE COS OF THE VIRUS.

The school work is just not getting done but i keep telling myself we have the whole summer to get it done. I know im not the only parent in this situation lol. What 5 year old would want to do school work with weather like we have been having (and i hope it will come back)

I accepted a challenge from myself to make every recipe from a Irish pub cookbook, two recipes in and all was going well until i couldn't find some of the ingredients to make it 🙄🙄 so i will just have to add a few changes not really something that i wanted to do but what can one do!!

Today is beef stew, just basic, beef carrots spuds and onion cooked in beef and veg stock, stews and curries have become some of beans new fav's, the child will not stop eating lol.

Dice beef




beef and veg stock

I fried beef in olive oil it was actually the oil that i cooked beans rashers in and you know thats all flavour lol

Fried until brown added the onion and carrots and a splash of red, let cook together for a few minutes and transferred to the casserole dish adding the stock and spuds, i cut the spuds in quite big pieces to stop them breaking up in the oven.

Give a stir an pop int oven for an hour and a half or so.

"The normal things we did are not gone we just have to find another way to do them"

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