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Something new !

So there I was put on walks with Ness and the gang when a thought suddenly popped into my head “I have never made Shepherd’s pie” yes well I’ve made cottage pie but that made with beef and not lamb and you would be surprised at how many people don’t know that there is a difference. So as we walked and chatted along I realised that there are a lot of things that I have never made when really you would think I should have done by now Like tomato and basil soup!! Everyone who knows me knows I love a good bowl of soup. So just for giggles I thought I’m going to devise a list of things I’ve never cooked and get cooking them.

The first one I made was shepherd’s pie Did it all go according to plan? No of course it didn’t I was there like common this is just like making cottage pie only it’s lamb!!! You would think right? Well no Firstly for the cottage pie I tend to use one of the packet mixes which as ye know will thicken it. I made my own stock for the shepherd’s pie and put in way too much. Which meant I had to use corn starch to thicken it 🙄 or the spud would have just sunk down into it. Other than that mistake it was very tasty and much lighter than the cottage pie. I made it again Tuesday for dinner and Ness said it would be much better if I used fresh carrots (I use frozen as for some reason my carrots go of very easy) and she was right it was a lot better with fresh carrots. But it tasted a lot different like something was missing I really need to start writing things down. A while later I realised I forgot the rosemary and thyme! (Note to self-write things down.)

So let me let you in on that list, I’m telling you, you are going to be just as shocked as Ness was about the Shepherd’s pie.

So as I mentioned Tomato and basil soup I tasted this fresh made when I was on holiday in Turkey many many moons ago. It was delicious, it had a really fresh earthy kind of flavour nothing like the stuff you get in the tin. I haven’t had fresh tomato and basil soup since then. I think at some stage I had it from a tin or carton and I was like umm no thanks. I have never even had mushroom soup never mind make it and I love mushrooms. Minestrone, now this one I have been meaning to make since I’ve seen Jamie make it. Chowder, now I know this isn’t a soup but I wouldn’t mind giving that a try either. I did once taste it and I thought it was awful!!!

Irish Stew, I ask myself how long have I been here and I have never made this. Why??? I’ve no idea would be the answer to that question. Beef and ale Pie, now I’ve never made any sort of pie, I’ve worked with pastry before but not for a pie. Let see how I mess that up. Lobster, I have never cooked Lobster I don’t even think I’ve tasted it. The minute I said this to Ness she was like well yea I’ve tasted it but I wouldn’t cook it because of how it is killed. Well you don’t have to boil the poor things alive you can actually pop them in the freezer for a bit, it knocks them out for lack of a better word, it will be like them going to sleep then they won’t feel a thing or you could do what Julia Child did and just stab them in the head eeeeekkkkkkk (Ness I know you are reading this and making a face)

Tomato and Basil soup tomorrow, I will be using one of Gordons recipes as a guideline. Speaking of Gordon, I made his chicken and butternut squash curry yesterday and it was delightful. I will pop the recipe in the pictures

Now to get back to today’s dinner, Tuna Pasta (Michelle Daly if you are reading you won’t like this one it has that thing you are allergic to in it )

The list still isn't finished lol

Have a great weekend

Until next time ……….

If you YouTube Gordon Ramsey Chicken and butternut squash curry you can see how he makes it

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