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TACO making fun 🌮🌮🌮🧡

So what are your days of with filled with?..... Mine is full of cooking and my lil bean. Today we decided to have a bit of taco fun.....

But before that i made soup which was suppose to be for lunch but i ran late somewhere between making beds and hoovering cos yes these things need to be done too 🙄🙄. So i lied my days of also include cleaning and running behind lol .

So soup, another family favourite, now popa would eat and say i will be hungry again soon so mostly he had it for lunch lol nan obviously was much more organised than me showing of in the kitchen 😂😂, not really she was as humble as they came. So the soup she made was a lil different to what i made today which was leek and potato. She made soups from pigs trotters (yes i see your face 🤮😷) or spare ribs or bacon or tuna (my fav). We always had veg so there was no problem there we were lucky to have a popa who grew it all for us. Nan made split pea soup and in it she would put whatever veg was there, and bacon or pigs trotters (again i know i can imagine your face again) She would soak the split peas overnight to soften them, she used onions and parsley and whatever other seasoning she used i dont know but it tasted great. The end result would be chunky thick deliciousness. It was also something that was cooked before a night out and eaten after the pubs had closed lol fun times. So today i made something i never had growing up, i dont even remember seeing a leek or celery, spud yes.

I used 4 nice sized leeks, a bunch of celery and 4 nice sized carrots. Carrots onion and celery softened in some olive oil. Add leeks and spuds and enough stock to cover, i used veg stock but chicken can also be used. Bring to the boil then lower heat and let it cook gently until done, adding salt and black pepper if desired. I blended mine with a hand blender until a chunky smooth (lol is that even a thing). I toasted a slice of bread and played posh with my croutons 😂😂😊. Was tasty and bean had two bowls, Where does he put it ..............

So dinner time came around pretty quickly, with everything else down we set to tacoing (not a word i just made it up). My lil bean loves getting involved with the cooking like i did with nan. He loves most food, yep like i do. So we continued on with the chopping and dicing, he ate more peppers than he diced but how bad is that right!!. It doesnt take long and with his help and company it was so much more fun than going it alone. So there we are chopping away while the mince browns (new wok so excited yea im easy pleased lol ). In with all the peppers and red onion, stir it up add your seasoning i just added some meat seasoning and salt and pepper. Get your toppings ready and your all set to serve i used, diced tomatoes and cheese, but theres so many topping to use. Peppers, onions,chillies the list goes on lol. It was dinner for two tonight, cooked by two .🧡🧡🧡 Teach them small things, give them the tools and watch them grow.

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