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The Easter holidays and the orangutans

Who else forgot to make up and Easter bunny basket? Please don't tell me I was the only bad mother lol. Yes, I forgot well didn't really forget I had the Easter eggs I just forgot to put them into a basket outside the door. When Joshua woke and said " I wonder if the Easter bunny has been" panic mode set in. So I used the ones that was already in the fridge. Crisis averted yes? not one bloody bit!!! He said but they were the ones in the fridge the Easter bunny was supposed to bring more. Well he had me speechless and the only thing I could now do is say I was so sorry. After a few minutes he didn’t mind and had a face full of chocolate.

I did lamb for eater dinner, I know I know what a surprise lol. I did it a bit different this time thanks to Gordon Ramsey yea yea I know some of ye hate him but ye can’t deny what a brilliant chef he is. Anyways this lamb marinated over night after being stabbed multiply times and stuffed with garlic and rosemary. I roasted it for five hours covered and one hour uncovered (on low). This is what I put in the roasting tray. Red onion White Onion Garlic Dried Oregano Cumin seeds cinnamon stick salt and pepper. Small amount of olive oil. I threw in two half of bell pepper only because I had them in the fridge. I served it with the usual veg and roast spuds. I also had corn on the cob and Yorkshire puddings and the reason for this is Joshua will not have a roast without them. My friend Pat brought some of her roast spuds and they were deliciously tasty

All of this was washed down with a few glasses of wine. Ok I lie a good few glasses of wine lol I did absolutely nothing the next day!!! No lied again I made a broth with loads of chilli nice hangover cure there lol.

Over all the Easter break was lovely, busy with the words “mum I’m hungry “ every twenty minutes. Its Thursday today as I write this and there is barely a spot of food left in this house. Did I mention he’s 7 going on 17? I am lucky with him though he does eat anything.

I for once took myself out of County Kerry, yes a little joke as I don’t go anywhere you would be tight pushed to get me to go to Tralee lol.

A trip organised by the wonderful bestie that did not disappoint.

At half 4 we awoke gathered ourselves with our packed lunches and headed off to the train station for the 4-hour journey to Dublin. Yes, we were off to the Zoo and we were delighted one would say that Joshua and Kk were not the only children going. At one stage Vanessa even turned into an American lol

For lunch I decided to make Tuna pasta salad I used, Bell peppers, red onion, chillies, cucumber, Parsley and of course pasta and the tuna. All nicely put into salad containers and wrapped. They went into the bin at Dublin station, they leaked everywhere. So next time I will just stick to the sandwiches. The trip down was so much fun with laughing kids and I mean all of us. Joshua didn’t know what to do with himself he was so excited. Arriving at the station in Dublin only made everyone more and more excited. Vanessa turned into an American with the accent taking pictures of the kids and the adults just turned our head and pretended not to know her lol. But in fairness she was actually quite good at it. We walked from the station to the Zoo and the further we got the more we turned into children lol.

Once we arrived there I was like I can’t wait to see the lions to my surprise that wasn’t the animal that impressed me the most. Walking around seeing all these beautiful animals and having the best time, seeing the look on Joshua’s face was brilliant. Lots of pictures were taken and lots of memories made.

My favourite was The Orangutans. The expressions he was making and the pure posing. I was so impressed I’m actually printing these pictures for one of the walls in my house. The tiger and the lions were great to but this fella got all my attention.

After having lunch and doughnuts I was barely able to move. Spicy chicken burger and chips plus a doughnut.

Coming home on the train was a lot less exciting with Joshua asking at every stop "ness how many more stops" He was non stop talking all the way, what did I say That he would sleep on the way back lol how wrong was I!!!! We all slept that night.

All in all it was a fantastic day and enjoyed by all.

I am now going to have myself dinner, I made a curry from scratch, my own recipe. I must make sure I write down what I put in there.

Have a great weekend

Until next time ...................

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