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The list is long..............

So you know those days where the list is long and the day is short, well im having one of those days and its made me wonder how on this god given earth did nana do it all. A big house to clean, multiple mouths to feed, laundry to do, and back then there was no washing machine to be seen. i remember her knelling at the bath hand washing every single piece of clothing 😲😲, now we did our chores, but she did it alone when we were at school and somehow managed to get dinner on the table at the same time every night. She was always the first one up and the last one down and she never seemed to stop, even if she was sat down she would be doing something. It still amazes me.

So today im having one of those days...... im still not at the end of the list and i probably never will be as long as i live, (there is always something right). Like when you get the the bottom of the laundry basket and 10 minutes later somehow seems to be filling up again, i swear there are people living in this house that i don't know about.....

We clean the kitchen i dont know how many times a day, pick up toys and do homework and bath time and then ..... shit THE DINNER!!!!.

I decided at lunch time it was gonna be a one pot thing, Stew,

I remember alot of stews and curries these were served with rice. Another dish that would have been a time saver for nan i think would have been Tuna fish pie, ( i will make this soon). Pilau (plo) is another one, veg, meat and rice in one pot. (again i will make this soon, maybe tomo)

So im making beef stew or should it be called a casserole?!!🤔🤔🤔

Stewing beef,

1 red onion or white doesn't matter

3 carrots chopped

4 large spuds

salt and pepper

one soup mix, i used beef and veg but you can use just beef or oxtail has a really meaty flavour too. (yep there is my cheat). lol

Put a lil oil into a large pan, (do in batches if u only have a small one, you want the beef to brown and if you add to much at once it will steam)

Lightly dust the beef with flour, this will help thicken the stew.

Brown beef and add in the onions, I added a glass of red wine, never done that before and it gave a nice stickiness to the beef, (all flavour right😁)

After let it simmer for a few minutes and then transfer to the casserole dish

add in carrots and soup mix i mixed it with a pint of hot water first then poured over the meat and carrots, mix add salt and pepper and i added some thyme, sure why not!!

In the oven it went at 150 preheated.

After around an hour i think, well i was cleaning and didn't take much notice to what time it was lol, add in the diced spuds, pop back into the oven and cook for another 45 minutes or until spud is cooked.

having something like this for dinner is handy cos you don't have to stand over the cooker watching it the whole time. Same thing can be done in the slow cooker.

Im still not finished cleaning, the washing machine is still going, Thankfully dinner is done, really how did she do it? She never complained and i never once heard her say she was tired and couldn't do something. Freakin super woman 😘😘😍😍🥰🥰

Wonder woman

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